Success is a Journey...
What are you doing to be successful?
I am on a 90 day fast track. Challenge to success for both of my businesses; Fit It In Fitness and Market America Unfranchise.
This 90 day challenge makes me work ON my business rather than IN it. It is so important to work on what you want to have. Don't get caught up in the minutia of your work. Step outside and look in.
I will make it a goal to read, listen and sell my business every day.
What is your sale? Do you want to sell yourself and get married? Do you want to sell yourself and get a job promotion? Do you want to build your own house? Do you want to start a family?
Whatever it is you want to do study it, learn what it takes and take action.
A great leader in the fitness industry says "Ready, Fire, Aim!" -Todd Durkin
Don't waste time thinking twice or wondering if it will work," JUST DO IT!" -Nike
Take risks. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!" -John Wooden
Todd Durkin IS successful, Nike HAS IT and John Wooden has BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!
Experience tells us they spent time on finding out what they want to be or do, how to do it and the most time DOING IT!
So get out there, educate yourself and TAKE ACTION!
And when you feel like you are drowning, burnt out or demotivated, ask yourself this question:
What is the worst that could happen if you try?
Think you don't have the time? THINK AGAIN...or better, STOP THINKING!
Feel you don't have what it takes? Do one thing that makes you feel like you achieved something (work out!)
Feel overwhelmed? Breath and re-read your goals.
Need some extra motivation?
Read, listen and watch successful people.
Try this link:
READ something 15-20 min. / day written by someone successful in your field.
LISTEN to something 15-20 min. / day from someone who is successful.
DO 1 thing every day to get you 1 step closer to your dream, make it a reality!