Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Who said this?

"If you can dream it, you can do it."
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."


Saturday, February 16, 2013

To everyone who wants to be SUCCESSFUL

Success is a Journey...
What are you doing to be successful?
I am on a 90 day fast track. Challenge to success for both of my businesses; Fit It In Fitness and Market America Unfranchise.

This 90 day challenge makes me work ON my business rather than IN it. It is so important to work on what you want to have. Don't get caught up in the minutia of your work. Step outside and look in.

I will make it a goal to read, listen and sell my business every day.
What is your sale? Do you want to sell yourself and get married? Do you want to sell yourself and get a job promotion? Do you want to build your own house? Do you want to start a family?

Whatever it is you want to do study it, learn what it takes and take action.
A great leader in the fitness industry says "Ready, Fire, Aim!" -Todd Durkin
Don't waste time thinking twice or wondering if it will work," JUST DO IT!" -Nike

Take risks. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!" -John Wooden

Todd Durkin IS successful, Nike HAS IT and John Wooden has BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!
Experience tells us they spent time on finding out what they want to be or do, how to do it and the most time DOING IT!

So get out there, educate yourself and TAKE ACTION!

And when you feel like you are drowning, burnt out or demotivated, ask yourself this question:
What is the worst that could happen if you try?

Think you don't have the time? THINK AGAIN...or better, STOP THINKING!

Feel you don't have what it takes? Do one thing that makes you feel like you achieved something (work out!)

Feel overwhelmed? Breath and re-read your goals.

Need some extra motivation?
Read, listen and watch successful people.

Try this link: MOTIVATION

READ something 15-20 min. / day written by someone successful in your field.
LISTEN to something 15-20 min. / day from someone who is successful.
DO 1 thing every day to get you 1 step closer to your dream, make it a reality!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My "book for fun every 2 months" recap.

Here are some great quotes I have taken from just ONE of my yearly reads:

"No matter how impossible it all may seem...Never underestimate the power of a dream."
-Author unknown

"Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."
-George Washington Carver

"When a winner fails, he trains harder while a loser blames others."
-Wayne Bennett

"If you want to be mentally tough,...follow your beliefs and don't give in to yourself!"
-Steve Waugh

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
-Will Durant

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly!"
-Robert F Kennedy

"The more things you think about the slower you react."
-Hick's Law

"Whether you think that you can or that you can't, you are usually right."
-Henry Ford

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
-John Wooden

"You are only as good as the decision you make."
-Author Unknown

I hope you'll enjoy these and want to read the book:
The Fearless Mind, Craig Manning PhD

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Secrets of the World Class Movie

Secrets of the World Class Movie:
It's what separates the Extraordinary from the Ordinary. Fill your life with motivation like this daily and you WILL be successful!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stay Focused

So you made your January New Year's goals (if you haven't do so!)...
It has been a month since you've made them, have you tested yourself to see if you've made progress?

What will you do to check in? Was it a goal of your's to lose body fat? Measure your body fat then. 

Did you set a personal goal to spend more time with your family? Then plan a regular family night and stick to it! What will you do this Friday?

Did you make a goal to connect with  more people to enhance your business/work? How many do you need to contact before Friday afternoon? 

Stay focused. A great author Craig Manning, PhD, wrote a book about staying focused on your task at hand; The Fearless Mind. He uses his experience with high level tennis players (we all know how independent this sport is). Time and time again he has seen athletes who are in the best shape of their lives and willing to give everything during a match including "diving and scraping their knees," fail. They lost their concentration as outside obstacles changed their path. As the opponent changed the game they did not stay focused on the task and lost and eventually gave up. 

Remember this in your own lives. Things will change and put you on another path every day. Don't let this change your results. 
#1 realize that you may not have direct control over an outcome.
#2 don't waste your time and energy fighting this. Move on! Remember the task at hand and redirect your focus. 

You can do this by writing down your 3 most important goals every day. Plan how you will attack them. Who do you need to be in contact with? What do you need to do first thing in the morning? What must you do to follow up and make sure the task is completed? 

Be sure to know this information when you start, when something gets in your way and before you are done your day. 

Prepare, plan and follow through!!  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why is my pee Neon Yellow?

Vitamin B2, Riboflavin most times is responsible for the neon color in your urine.
As this vitamin goes through your system your body absorbs what it needs and excretes the remainder. One characteristic of Riboflavin is it's highlighter-like color.
Not to worry this is not bad. The bright color is an indication you are utilizing the vitamin properly.

In short, riboflavins help co-enzymes break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They also play a crucial role in detoxification and cellular energy production.  As flavins are utilized in the body to metabolize carbs, fats and protein they pass along flavin rings which have a neon yellow color. This does not indicate they are not used, in contrast it proves they are used appropriately. Vitamin B2, Riboflavin is known to be the only vitamin to cause NEON yellow urine.

On the flip side...
If you have dark yellow to brown colored urine this is an indication of dehydration.  Your urine is over-concentrated with waste.  You should be drinking 64 ounces of water every day at minimum. If you are sweating due to workouts then you should be drinking closer to 80 ounces of water and include electrolytes. Once you get this amount into your system regularly you are not only helping the homestasis of your system but also changing the color of your pee. It will be more translucent due to your "new and improved" hydration.

Foods with Vitamin B2:

Riboflavin helps with:
migraine headaches, energy, boosting immune system function, preventing eye disorders, athletic performance, hair, nail and skin health.

Where you can get VitaminB (Vitamin B complex which includes B2-riboflavin):