Tuesday, November 20, 2012

10 Tips to Boost Results

1) Set goals and WRITE THEM DOWN! It is proven you are much more likely to succeed if goals are written and not just thought about. Get in the habit of taking 10 minutes each day to write out a plan you must follow based on your goals.

2) Take before and after pictures! 

3) Take your measurements monthly including: body fat, inches and weight. 

4) Fuel your body PROPERLY:
 -Eat Breakfast
 -Eat every 2-3 hours
 -Include protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in every meal.
 -Eat a protein and carbohydrate rich meal immediately following your workout.
 (I better go make one now..)
 -Drink at least 8/ 8 oz. glasses of water per day.

5) Workout at least 4 times per week.

6) Include at least 2 metabolic workout days in your rotation for fat loss and stamina. Include at least 2 strength days in your rotation to build muscle & strength.

7) Track your progress. Write down the weights you use from week to week and be sure to increase accordingly. Take note of how you felt during cardiovascular workouts. Write down how you felt before and after your workouts. Compare from month to month.

8) Hold yourself accountable. I could write a book on this topic but for now think about all the factors that are influenced by being held accountable:
 -Intensity is increased.
 -You do things you didn't know you could otherwise.
 -Results are increased.
 -Enjoyment and Success are achieved.
 -Slacking, quitting and cheating are decreased!

9) Cut down alcohol consumption! This is possibly the most underrated tip. The effects of alcohol have proven to be detrimental to strength and recovery. Not only is it wasted calories it is toxic to the body. Your heart rate is elevated, sleep is disturbed and hormone levels are disrupted specifically; Growth Hormone and Testosterone. Dehydration is another side effect of alcohol consumption. It causes fatigue, poor performance and a lack of ability to produce ATP which is the primary source of energy.  As for recovery well that is spelled out pretty clear the day after drinking. Your energy is much lower and your mood is less than average. This is due to the amount of energy it takes your body to get rid of the alcohol toxins.
So do your friends, family and body a favor, think twice before your next binge. What will you be doing the following day? Working out? Spending quality time? Recovering from the last workout you had? Or wishing you could take it all back and make another day of progress on your goals?...

10) Motivation is key to building habits. One of my favorite Coaches, Todd Durkin once said "the right music at the right time can be very motivational." 

bonus) WORKOUT AT FIT IT IN or follow us online to get new tips daily!

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